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What is HTML? Full details of !

What is HTML Full details of !

In this article we are talking about HTML – "What is HTML? "  Many times on the Internet you must have heard or read about HTML. If you run the Internet and the Internet lover, you must know and understand html. 

All the websites we see in the Internet browser are made up of HTML itself, HTML is used for website designing. do you also want to learn website designing ? So you need to learn HTML. 


What is HTML 

 HTML is one of the main markup language used for website designing. HTML is used to display webpages and information in internet browsers. 

HTML is much easier than other programming languages that anyone can easily learn, HTML is a platform independent language. That can be RUN on each platform. e. – Windows, MAC, LINUX etc. 

this is not a programming language . HTML is a markup language that is used to design websites. 

The full form of HTML is "Hyper Text Markup  Language"! 

The full form of HTML is

Before you know HTML, it is important to know about some of the things related to website designing! So let's know about some of the things related to HTML – 


What is Web Page? 

Web page This is a document written in HTML (hyper text markup language) which can be accessed from the Internet and other networks from the browser. Information in a webpage such as Text, color, graphics, animation, sound etc. May join. 

What is website? 

This is a group of web pages! By creating different webpages , they are added together , which we call the website . Each website has a home page that is the main page of the website. Home Page contains other pages. 

What is Home Page? 

This is the main page of the website, also known as the page page or default page. This allows other pages to be associated with hyperlinks. Whenever a user opens the website, the homepage appears! Links to other pages are provided from the home page itself . where users can go to other pages. 

What is Hyperlink? 


This web document contains an element that connects one page to another page . users use hyperlinks to move from one page to another , or to move from one place to another in a webpage . 

What is World Wide Web? 

The World Wide Web first came up in 1991, which we call WWW! This is an Internet server system that supports specially formatted documents. specially formatted documents mean script documents such as HTML. 

The key to www is that it supports hypertext, hypertext is a method that can add other documents, as well as graphics, audio, and video. 

What is HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)? 

It is an element that allows people around the world to exchange information through the Internet. HTTP Allows Web Browsers and Servers to communicate. 

What happens to the URL (Uniform Resource Locator)? 

URLs are used to access any website on the Internet. Every website has a unique URL . the url shows information about the transfer protocol . Most HTTP is the most commonly used protocol. 

What is Web Browser? 

web Browser is a medium that can run different types of websites on the Internet. 

Some of the most famous web browsers so far are: 

  • Internet Explorer 

  • Firefox 

  • Google Chrome 

  • Apple Safari 

  • Opera 

  • Mozilla 

  • Netspace 

There are some basic things you need to know about the HTML above . When you want to know about HTML , you need to be aware of these basic things. 

What are HTML Tags? 

As we told you at the beginning HTML is a Markup Language. this is not a programming language . 

While it is a markup language , it is made up of language Tags . HTML contains different types of Markup Tags. called HTML Tags. 

Learn some basic things about HTML Tags – 

  • HTML Tags are made up of an angle bracket that contains keywords inside it. like <html> . 

  • HTML Tags come with pairs, such as <b> and </br>. 

  • The Tag Start also has to be end . 

  • To end the tag end, the first forward slash of keyword in the angle bracket has to be applied to the forward slash 

Start Tags and End Tags are also called Starting Tags and Ending Tags. 

<tag name> content </tag name> 


Opening Tag 

Closing Tags 




<! DOCTYPE > This is a directive for a web browser to which HTML version the page is written in. 



Specifies that document should be interrupted as an HTML Document. This tag must be the first line in either HTML Document if not <! DOCTYPE > In After 



Specifies the area where the browser can view two for general information about the document requires a minimum tag .lt;TITLE> 



This specifies the browser's Header Title used for Text some Search Search Keyword Engines use this Text for indexing and the browser will use it to bookmark your name. When a user bookmarks your website, it will see the text you entered in title tag. This tag is in the middle of <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags. 



This refers to the information that is occurring on the browser 's window . This is a document that shows information about web documents. 

<!– comment goes here –> 


This tag hides text that you don't have to show in the browser. Some browsers support this tag 

This is some of the basic html tags that you can create a basic webpage with a basic webpage , we have created a simple Webpage with the code given below . You can see how the tags are working, how the program structure is, you must see and try to code html . 

<! DOCTYPE html><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Ex1</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>Welcome to the World of HTML </BODY></HTML> 


How to start typing HTML? 

Here you may have known some basic things about html . Now we will learn in this basic html tutorial how you can start writing HTML, write the HTML program you said? HTML kaise run kare ? What are HTML tags? On all these topics we will talk. 

Where to write HTML? 

Often written in HTML, professional HTML editors such as – 

  • Adobe Dreamweaver 

  • Microsoft Expression Web 

  • Coffee Cup HTML Editor 

But to learn HTML, we recommend using Text Editor, such as Notepad (PC), Text Editor (Mac). Because a Simple Text Editor is a great way to learn HTML . 

Follow the 4 steps below to create your first HTML Page using Notepad! 

Step 1: Start Notepad 

To write an HTML Program, you first need to open Notepad Editor in your device. 

Notepad to start – 

  1. Click Start 

  1. Open All Programs 

  1. Go to Accessories 

  1. Open Notepad 

Step 2: Write your first HTML Program in Notepad 

Start typing your first HTML Program in the Notepad window 


tep 3: Save your HTML Program 

Save after writing html program. You can select save's Option by going to notepad File Menu, otherwise you can direct Save by CTR+S Press. 

When you save the Html File, you need to take care of one thing that you .htm whenever you save the File . Save with Html Extension. 

If you save your Html File with another extension as .txt then your program won't run. 

While we need to run our program in Internet Browser, we have our own program. With html extension only save. 

Step 4: Run html file in your browser 

Double-Click on the HTML file we saved with .html extension. As soon as you double click on that file, that file will open in your Web browser. 

Output of your Html file brings you to web browser. You can create Web pages very well using different TAGS of HTML. 

Here we have written this Simple HTML Script for Demo. You can try creating different Web pages according to your own. 


Thank you very much for reading my work


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